I am looking for a list of passengers of the Rochambeau ship that reached New York on Sept 14th 1920
On Ancestry, you can put the ship's name in the keyword field. There are many passengers arriving on that ship in Sep 1920.
If you don't have a subscription, you can use Ancestry for free at many libraries and all FamilySearch Centers. Or, you can share the name(s), and we can look for you.
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@BenedicteCOSSON If you do want to find it on FamilySearch, you can but it's a little harder. Use this Tool to search by the name of the ship. In the list find the one that arrives in September, 1920. It gives you the FHL Film# (1571420) and the passenger list starting on image (or frame) #460. From there you would have to scroll through every page. It might be easier to search for your ancestor with this Tool. It allows you to search broadly and often that is what is needed to find people who slip through the net with a regular search.
There are other great tools at stephenmorse.org. I particularly like the one that helps you find people on a census using a street address.
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@BenedicteCOSSON Another thing you could do is put the film #1571420 in your search criteria in Search Historical Records on FamilySearch.
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Thanks a lot. Your help was very usefull.
I've been able to find the information.