Glitch in the System

On the web version on the telephone every time that you correct a name by editing it and then submit it, the system will skip a name. I do not know if it counts the skipped name as reviewed or not. It's not a huge problem but would be nice if it could get fixed.
Best Answer
Thank you for reporting this. I am going to escalate the issue. I'll let you know what I find out.
@AndersonMB Can you give me more details please? Are you referring to reviewing an index or a quick name review? Do you use an Android or an iPhone, or another kind? Screenshots of what you see would be very helpful. You can add them by going to this link:
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The system is not working in adding a family member. I have to create them and then manually adding them to the tree
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This is a problem for the quick name review on the web version. I am using a Samsung. The problem is that I am trying to review the name John Doe Anderson in separate highlighted portions for example. If I correct the first name of John, the next name I will review is Anderson and not Doe.
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@AndersonMB Here's what I found out: Everything that goes through the Quick Name Review will also go through the Full Name Review, where any errors are identified and resolved. You might consider doing some full name reviews to help address these errors.