Open Edit Issues- non-standardization and removing events and notes

I am reaching out to see if anyone has any ideas to assist a patron at our center. She has a well researched family line within Family Tree and just recently discovered a huge concern. For quite some time another contributor has been coming along and systematically removing all events and notes from hundreds of members of this family. Some of the notes contain important information. Additionally, this other contributor is changing all surnames to all capitals and changing all dates and places to non-standardized ones.
This patron has gone back in and redone the standardization and adding in some of the events. The patron has also put the red warning alert on some of the people, hoping to get the attention of the other contributor. This didn't even help, the other contributor follows right along and removes the red warning alert and all notes and changes dates and places to non-standardized. Additionally, this contributor is adding in new sources from ancestry, many which are duplicates of sources already attached; and some of the sources don't even apply to the person for whom they are attached. This contributor changed the birth and death date for one person to dates that don't align with the sources attached.
Never is there an explanation of the why the changes are being made, or the things are being deleted. This contributor is damaging solid, well sourced records. It seems this contributor is blatantly ignoring the efforts of many others and primarily focusing on removing all events, alternates names and notes added by other researchers. This patron has reached out to the contributor with no success.
Most recently the patron had found other researchers who are having issues with the same contributor in their branches of the Family Tree. They have also contacted the contributor with no success. At first it was thought these changes might be from an inexperienced contributor, but that doesn't seem to be the case as it's so systematic in nature going through each of the children, their spouses and their children before moving to the next child in the original family. And the addition of ancestry sources indicates it is not an inexperienced user within FamilySearch.
We realize this is an open edit tree, but this seems to be an abuse of the system. It doesn't match the official abuse of FamilySearch, so not sure what to do with it from here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Has the patron attempted to contact the other contributor? Or, has she used the "Report Abuse" option in the Tools box (down the right-hand side of each profile)?
I've had some success with each approach, although it can require significant time/effort to stop the changing.
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