“Restore” BUG June 15? Restore left unfixable merge content in Memories.

like others yesterday in another thread, I was unable to fix by delete edits content BUT my “locked edits” were remnants of a restored merge done 6 15 2024 of two brothers A & B : alternate names, events, notes and sources which didn’t restore to appropriate sibling profiles. Later like others recently shared, I could manually fix by editing deleting several hours later.
possible BUG issue still experiencing that I don’t know how to troubleshoot or report. Suggestions for reporting possible bug or workaround?
Restore did not remove jpeg uploads (my shares) and story (another user shared item) that belonged to brother A that got moved “merged to” brother’s B memories and there is no tag for brother B on same memory items that I would typically use to detach.
Am I missing something obvious or simple? Or …6 15 platform hiccup impacting others edits also impacted a merge restore bug in memories?
thank you in advance.
Hi @Harvest8.
I see no one has yet answered/commented on your post. I would like to help, but I think I need to understand this situation a bit better. It sounds like you've experienced an issue with memories and Restore not working properly. If you can send more detail, I'll look into it.
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thank you for your kindness to follow up.
If remember correctly, I later just assumed my issue was more a "one off" non repeat event related to site instability at the time I was attempting a "restore" …or other factors.
.was able to clean up merged profiles manually as best I could with one exception which remains ( a will of brother John "stuck" on the brother Thomas profile https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/memories/LZK7-GH7).
Assumed techs had, and still have more important items on their plate, and the site instability issue didn't impact others as much as my conflation challenge. Another user posted about site problem same time I posted. Sorry can't help with more details.
I was able to leave "breadcrumbs" note summary of what happened for next generation or user who bumps into the profile LZK7-GH7 and might scratch head wondering why on earth a will for brother John is in the memories for Thomas. I did send message to user who shared the original John will to the profile of profile for John Swan vs. his brother Thomas, and left a note on the will attempting to explain the need to detach..
Another possibility, I just don't understand how "restore" works….maybe restore doesn't remove memories that get merged?
sorry if so confusing. likely am not helping anyone by posting in this community with old issue. if you're able just delete original post and this one…..thank you in advance. again, thanks for reply…
have a great weekend!