What's going on with the fan chart?

Lately, when I first go to my fan chart, it's missing two people. They're right next to the missing wedge due to my illegitimate great-grandmother, so this glitch makes for a rather large and weird gap.
Old (correct): https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/200280728
New (missing people): https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/200280139
You'll notice that the new view has the new-style controls and sidebar (which really needs to lose the "ordinances" checkbox for a public account like mine, but I digress), so clearly they've silently moved on from updating the pedigree views and are now working on the fan chart. The deployment of the change is Really Weird, though: switching the center/focus person stays on the new version, meaning that going to my spouse (for example) and then back to me doesn't restore the missing people. Refreshing the page, on the other hand, reverts to the old version, where only people who are missing from the tree are missing from the chart.
The problem has to do with people next to (counterclockwise from) a dark-grey gap in the fan chart: the new view moves such wedges over (clockwise) until they touch a filled wedge. The move doesn't include any contents, though, so the misplaced wedges are light gray and empty, like the placeholders for missing parents. My grandmother's fan chart has four such wedges.
Old ("before"): https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/200282569
New ("after"): https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/200282568
(Well, technically there's a fifth one, over at the right, but it's a light-grey placeholder/empty parent. It has nowhere to "land", so that wedge is missing from the new version.)
My question is two-fold: are the programmers aware of this problem, and will they be acknowledging that they're making changes to the fan chart, or is it all going to continue to happen secretly/silently?
I wasn't seeing anything such as you described on the production version, so I switched to Beta where I got a "try the new fan view " button. There I also see some serious display problems, with names written on top of names in upside-down print in many wedges. And, the Ordinances option shows there for me, too.
Also "Research Helps" are showing on blank wedges. So those names that are jumbled on one side likely belong in one of those blank wedges.
Looking more in-depth, the issues showing in my fan are all maternal on those branches with pedigree collapse.
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The tree showed the new fan chart briefly for me (not in the Beta, and with no option to switch), but it was back to normal a few minutes later. I have no idea what's up with that.
It came back for a bit, but now it's gone again.
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Thanks for pointing out the Beta, Áine! It answers part of my question: the existence of the banner/toggle in Beta, and its directive to use the Feedback tab (which doesn't exist in Beta), imply that those will eventually show up in production. The Feedback-tab directive also implies (to me) that they're not planning a Community group. I suppose that decision may change, or I may be reading too much into that banner's current wording.
I have yet to ever find any pedigree collapse among my ancestors, but there is some in a fourth cousin's, and the new version of the fan chart does some Truly Weird Things with it: https://www.familysearch.org/memories/memory/200302292. The text that belongs in the two empty red wedges is instead on top of the text in the two non-empty red wedges, and the data problem that the red color is supposed to be alerting to doesn't exist on the profiles themselves — it's just the same people in two places on the chart.
The other weirdness that I marked on that chart arises only if I navigate to an "end of line" center/focus person using the fan chart: if I center on a childless person this way, then it repeats the person as his/her own child, along with any siblings.
My browser's "back" button gives unpredictable results: sometimes, I get an error screen, while other times, the chart reverts to the old version.
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I get a Feedback button on the Beta Portrait but not on Beta Fan. I fudged and used the Portrait Feedback button to report the serious issues I saw on Fan.
Oh - and one other Weird Occurrence - the fan kept telling me it couldn't find ME, both in Beta and in Production.
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Updates -
There is no longer an Ordinances checkbox on the Beta Fan for a public account - thank you.
Overlapping and upside-down text is gone - thank you.
Now the color codes for place of birth have their wires crossed, with those listed as born in British Colonial America having the color code for USA and vice versa.
And there is still no Feedback button on the fan, so, once again, I used the Feedback button on the Beta Portrait.
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