Double Column option in My Layout Settings doesn't work now...
On the Details page, Family Members - Double Column option doesn't work.
Spouses and Children Spouses and Children Parents and Siblings
Parents and Siblings
Now it displays single column; a few days ago, it displayed double column
Can you fix it so that the Double Column option works again?
Best Answers
@LGWiseman, I'm pretty sure Julian is correct, and the only thing that changed last week is that you (probably unintentionally) either increased the zoom or decreased the width of your browser window. It may not be a noticeable change in width; if you clicked the "restore down" button at the top right, but made the resulting resizable window full-screen size, then the difference may be invisible to all but the computer — but those couple of pixels that your system reserves for window-resizing activities may be enough to put it over the line for FS's "too narrow" setting.
You could try playing with the zoom to test it: hold down the "ctrl" key at the bottom left of your keyboard, then hit the underline-and-dash key (just to the right of the closing-paren-and-zero key) a couple of times. Does that result in the two-column view?
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After reading the suggestions….I zoomed out once, and it was enough to get the 2-column display. My bad.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
I think that the My Layout Settings option for double or single columns is intended to apply only to the columns in the Vitals and Other Information sections. That is implied by the wording of the headings in the settings dialog.
The Family Members section is usually displayed in two columns, one for the person's spouses and children on the left and one for the person's parents and siblings on the right. That is still the case for me. However, if you 'restore' the browser window (i.e. make it resizable), then decrease its width, there comes a point where the Family Members section swaps into a sort of single-column mode, with the spouses and children displayed first, and the parents and siblings displayed below. If that is what you are seeing, then the effect may be caused by having a browser window (or a physical screen) that is too narrow to display in a double-column mode. I can achieve this by decreasing the width that is available to display the lists themselves to less than about 575 pixels.
If this doesn't account for what you are seeing, I suggest that you add a note here to describe what operating system, browser and screen size you are using. I am using Windows 10, up-to-date Chrome and a 24.8" monitor.
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For the previous 2 years on FS the Family Members section displayed in two columns. Last week it would only display in one column. The layout settings tool works for other sections - displays in single column, or double column, depending on the setting in the layout settings.
Windows 10, up-to-date Firefox browser, same monitor that displayed two-columns for the last 2 years.
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Turns out, it probably wasn't you that changed something — but it wasn't FS, either. The latest update of Firefox is to blame: I can't figure out what they changed, but suddenly, the same 110% zoom that I've basically always used on this laptop (which I've had since 2019) is too narrow to show both columns of the Family Members section. In Firefox's previous version, I had to zoom to 200% to get the single-column view.
If I figure out a setting that one can tweak to fix it, I'll post about it.