Surnames in City Directories
We do not index names that have "see also" attached. The next entry after Jos Winejingren is Alex Winer.
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Thank you. That is what I thought, but I have seen the opposite too often.
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Project instructions state the following: "If multiple spellings of a surname were recorded, index all variations in the Surname field, separated by the world Or." So shouldn't the surname be Winer Or Weiner Or Wiener?
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@samshicat, no, it should very definitely and absolutely not be indexed that way, because the directory is specifically saying that those people did not have those other names. The "see also" names are suggestions for where to look if the person you're looking for isn't listed.
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There are many indexers who read the instructions and apply them incorrectly. I agree with Julia, please do not index the records with multiple names listed as another name to be looked for if looking for a person. Ie;
O'Riley, Sam
see also O'Reily or O'Reilly, or O'RIlley
In this case, the indexer would index as follows:
Surname. O'Riley
Given Name. Sam
Julia stated the reason well — ignore the other names because they are merely guiding the reader to other possible spellings in case they can't locate the listing for the way they thought it was spelled.
There may be one of two small examples where the listing could be used as an OR but in the 750,000 records I've done I don't think I"ve ever come across one in a City Directory listing.