Community Platform Issues Being Addressed

We are still experiencing persistent challenges with the platform utilized for our Community. Rest assured, we're actively collaborating with our vendor to rectify these issues that are completely out of our control. Below, you'll find a list of Known Issues. Should you encounter a functional error in the Community that is NOT listed, please feel free to add your report as a comment to this announcement. (Please provide as much information as you can so that we can recreate). Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work toward resolutions.
Known Issues:
- The discussion totals on the Quick Links panel do not display correctly
- Bookmark totals on the Quick Links panel do not display correctly
The ability to upload images is brokenUploaded images do not appear after the post has been edited- Hyperlinks are not working correctly and are sometimes corrupted
Drafts go missing, get hung up, or cannot be postedEdited posts disappear and need moderator approval@ mention is not consistently functioning properlyThe ability to like or dislike posts in Suggest an Idea is not availableA check box has erroneously appeared on the right of each post which is visible to everyone.- The ability to edit "About Me" is not functioning.
Errors in the footer and hyperlinks in multiple language subcommunities are incorrectAnnouncements mysteriously disappear.The search returns zero results.Magnifying glass stuck in the Search Bar
Thanks, I have added it to the list and reported it. Thanks for the catch!
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At least some features of search are working again. I haven't done an in-depth test.
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Slowly but surely we are getting there. Thanks for your patience! This has been so much more challenging than we ever anticipated.
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The @mention is still not working on a regular basis.
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This is not technically broken, but it needs to get added to the list. The problem is illustrated for example in the mod's comment on a recent question in Indexing ("How do I index a petition for Naturalization in behalf of a child?"): the interface is miscommunicating the purpose and status of its fields.
It's no wonder that half of new users try to squash their entire question into the title/header field: only it and the "Tags" field look active, and the title/header field is labeled "Question". Yes, I can see how the "Question" label is meant to apply to both the short field and the longer text box — but the latter is grey. It's so ingrained in the graphical user interface conventions that it's even part of the vocabulary: a feature is greyed out when it's inactive or not available. In other words, there's an active field labeled Question, a big inactive box, and then another active field labeled Tags. What are users supposed to think? "Oh, what the heck, I'll try typing in this big box, even though it's clearly signaling that it's unavailable"?
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This issue is not a functional issue for the Community platform and this is not the place for this notice; however, I have made note of your concern and will see what we can do. Thanks for your understanding.