The search results page is glitching badly when I do a FS search from an individual profile
This is a technical glitch that I tried to report via feedback but it sent me here. Every time I try to do a search for records using the link from a profile page, when the search results come up, it blinks back and forth between two different settings. It has a scroll down for the results next to the pop-out search screen. But then it blinks to having a secondary scroll bar next to the search results. And it flips rapidly making it very hard to view without getting motion sick. Or click on exactly what you want because it flips so fast.
I have just figured out it does it from any search screen. As soon as the results load with the pop-out search or results summary next to the search results, it blinks. When I close the results summary or the search refinement screens the blinking stops.
@ClorindaMadsen I've been working in search and the tree all day, and I haven't seen this issue.
What OS and browser? And have you tried the usual first troubleshooting step of clearing your cache/cookies in your preferred browser or trying a different browser?
I'm working in Windows 10 and both Firefox and Chrome, all fully updated.