Thank you for the action that now stops my screenshots being "moderated"!

Not a question of course, but just to express gratitude that I no longer appear to have to wait / constantly refresh the page after posting a screenshot.
I have noticed over the last few days that my pasted screenshots stick immediately - instead of going away just after I'd saved my post.
I know there are problems over the changes that have adversely affected posting URL links, but this improvement with no longer having a delay in screenshots / images reappearing is really pleasing.
Unfortunately, that joy was short-lived.
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I shouldn't have opened my big mouth!
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At least it's fixed again, now, @Paul W.
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It wasn't fixed at lunchtime (UK) today, so let me try again....
Well.... okay after about 30 seconds, but took this screenshot after clicking on Save Comment, then Edit:
Not complaining as long as it only takes seconds to stick, rather than the several minutes experienced earlier!
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Sorry, @Paul W My original reference was to the broken image add. And then that was fixed. I was being a little facetious - IOW it didn't matter how long it took to appear when we couldn't add at all.