How do I get help for the following Campaign Questions: putting tree on different backgrounds
Here's the overall link followed by the specific questions:
I was extremely disappointed when I had 4 generations already to print and only 3 came out. I had even reduced the size. It did show 4 generations on the preview. Very wasteful of ink and paper. I would have liked to have it print and framed.
How do I allow my patrons (I am a T&FH consultant) to do this activity for their using their tree (instead of mf me being the starting person I want them to be able to be the starting person in the tree and the resulting ancestors to be their ancestors)???
I would like to have the part where my name is on it to putting another persons name on it. I think it would be fun to hand out at family reunions.
I have built my tree 3 times, but I'm not allowed to save it or share it.
Not quite sure what the question is here, but here are some thoughts.
I can produce a keepsake tree using the link you provided, and it definitely starts with me, so presumably anyone can do it (especially given that I am not an LDS member). What is the problem your patrons are having, assuming they are signing in to FS as themselves? I can't see that you would realistically ever be able to produce a keepsake tree on behalf of anyone else, because of the FT privacy rules on living people (though maybe the new Family Group functionality will let you do this within the group at some point).
My keepsake tree showed 4 generations including me (I do have more generations than that in Family Tree), so I assume that's all you can get on the keepsake (as opposed to what's in the main Family Tree which obviously has no such limitations).
Re the failure to print more than 3 generations, I printed my keepsake using Save to PDF (I use Chrome), giving me a printable (landscape orientation) PDF file, and the 4 generations (still including me, obviously) still appeared exactly as in the preview; this may be a good way of saving paper while experimenting.
I am not sure what you mean by 'built my tree 3 times' - the keepsake just pulls data from Family Tree, and the Build screen just pushes you off to FT for any editing, so anything you save will be permanently in Family Tree. Maybe you were putting stuff in further back than the 4 visible generations on the keepsake (which, as above, clearly include yourself)?
If this doesn't help, please post again with more details if possible.
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@ahowell3797272 in order for your patrons to print their own keepsake tree, they will have to log in to their own FamilySearch account. Hope this helps :)