merging, event reason statement replaced by reason for merge statement

I just merged a very nicely sourced record with one that I myself created many years ago: LZ5D-BL9
After the merge, I am attributed as having added information and the reasoning for the information is the reason statement for the merge.
Ex: Someone just added some death info yesterday that included the fact that she died of blood poisoning. I'm pretty sure a reason statement was added at that time. When I look at it now, the only reason statement is the one for merging and the other is gone.
Is this a bug? It doesn't seem right to remove good information like that during a merge.
p.s. as a side issue, I find it a bit distressing to see that blood poisoning fact made public since I know how she got blood poisoning. I'm not sure how to address this with the person that added it, or if I should just stay silent? What does one do about sensitive information?
If it is a death certificate is public, which this one is, you should not be distressed that it is attached to the correct person. (I assume it is attached to the correct person. I actually didn't verify that, but judging from your comment, it is.) Many causes of death are very distressing. However, the genealogy information on an older death certificate is invaluable. This death is 7 years shy of happening 100 years ago, and having the DC attached could well prevent others from adding incorrect sources in the future.
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Oh, yes! Definitely it is good to have the record attached. My concern was with the reason statement that spoke about the blood poisoning... although that disappeared with the merge, so maybe a blessing in disguise?
Update: Actually, turns out it was a life insurance application that one of the daughter's filled out, showing health issues of all family members and used to source a custom fact and attached as a memory. So I guess if the daughter was okay with the way she wrote it on the application, then I'll be okay with it too. :(