US City Directories
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You can also return the batch by doing the following
Click on Batch on the upper left side:
Select "Reindex batch."
This box will come up.
Now it's up to you if you want to select either choice. I've always done "Delete the indexed Data." Click "Return Batch for Reindexing."
I use this very sparingly (maybe 20 since FS switched to web indexing) because I don't want to throw batches back just for giggles.
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But if you return it, someone else will just have to do it. Deleting the unnecessary records will only take a few minutes.
Delete the information in the first record that you don't need, then go into each empy field of that record and copy down.
That will empty all those unneeded records. Then go to the trash can icon in the toolbar and delete all blank entries.