City Directories with business listing that have individual names present.
I am wondering the same thing!
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I found this under Field Help: Surname: "Some business names are listed with the entries in the residential listing. Please do not index them or any advertisements that include individual names."
Looks like they should be left out.
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Jeremy Eric Beutler. I called and was told that you do not index the company name, HOWEVER, if an individual's name appears in that listing, you DO index the individual's name. IE
BOND COAT COMPANY (White, J. E., mgr) or White J. E. mgr
Index as
White as surname and J. E. as given name DO NOT include the title of mgr
If other names appear, index them also.
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Follow the project instructions. Individuals listed with business entries are not indexed. They will appear in the individual listings.
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This is the latest instruction given by the project manager:
All my indexing/reviewing colleagues:
I just finished a call with FS support regarding this increasingly questionable process. The verdict is in: FamilySearch wants this to be as simple as possible so we are only indexing residents-residential compared to the previous directory records that indexed everyone including advertisements, businesses, etc.
Only index those persons listed as a resident. This includes spouses, listed in parenthesis, and may include some children although I have not seen any of these yet.
DO NOT INDEX companies and any officers within that company even though their names may be in the same alphabetical name you are indexing. They would be listed in the current listing somewhere on the page, or a different page depending on the name, or may not have been a resident of that community you are indexing.
I asked for a sample of the above to show what would not be indexed for clarity, but was told FS would not show that kind of example. I did explain we had a previous communication from FS with different information, and since there seemed to be quite a lot of questions around this, the manager of the project explained to everyone the process (as seen in the 2nd & 3rd paragraph above).
Hopefully we can now go forward with more confidence (and speed) with getting this project completed as there are more coming. Thank you all for your imput and passion and diligence making records accurate.
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Thank you Barbara! This is helpful, though specific examples from FS would certainly clarify things. I'm wondering about some specific examples where "Bros" are listed. It seems as though their residency is being listed and then their profession, similar to the other residents. However, it's confusing because oftentimes "[Surname] Bros" indicates a business name. Any further insights into this case would be great!
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Those are business names and won't be indexed. Neither will the owners names be indexed, except when their names are individually listed as residents. For example, if you look at Johnson Bros (Carl A….) Euclid Hotel, in the next column Carl A Johnson is listed at the Euclid Hotel. That individual listing is where he'll be indexed.
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Ah, thank you! This makes things a lot simpler. 🙂