New Memory Viewer - PDFs

There have been several posts over the past year or two with complaints about viewing PDF documents in Memories, mainly about them being too small, not full screen, or needing to download them to view them. None of those discussions that I can find are still open, so I thought I would mention here for people that have not run across it yet that if you have the Profile Quality Score or Family Groups experiments turned on, you get a new Memory viewer. In this update, the viewing area has been enlarged so PDFs are bigger and the side panel can be closed so that PDFs and JPGs can be viewed the full width of your screen without any need to download them first. It's rather nice:
When looking at a JPG in this new viewer, there are extra controls in the upper left:
for temporarily adjusting brightness and contrast and inverting colors and permanently changing rotation, as well as the zoom in and out buttons.
For PDFs, at least for me, zooming in and out is handled by my browser's built in PDF viewer controls that are only visible when I hover over them:
@Gordon Collett Thank you for this!