Enforcement of Recommended Last Name Formatting
Situation: Since the opening of Family Tree, the help center has recommended that last names be entered using normal capitalization. However, some users continue to follow older required standards such as SMITH, /Smith/, or /SMITH/. This leads to conflict between users and messy looking pedigree charts and Detail pages. Some users are inconsistent in the styling of last names in that they use all caps for direct line ancestors and normal capitalization for everyone else.
Need: The /Smith/ and /SMITH/ formats have been taken care of by banning numbers and most special characters in names. In the same way that names cannot be saved if they contain a banned character, they should not be able to be saved if they have more than 2 capital letters in a row in any language template where that would be appropriate.
Outcome: Uniformity in appearance of last names wherever displayed.
Benefit: Less conflict between users. Better legibility of last names.
Note: Counter examples from other users of roman character last names which contain 3 or more capital letters in a row would not be viewed as criticism of this idea but rather needed refinement and I would welcome such for my own education.