LB99-RGF Son's obituary in 2001
This person is Eva Beesley French. Her son James Parker died in 2001. I am trying to properly attach a source from Genealogy Bank. I attached her name, the husband's name and her son's name. As soon as I try to change the focus person to her son (so I can attach his wife and children) her source link no longer appears. In other words, the left side of the source link by her name reverts to white and her name is at the bottom also in white, but her name on the right is still green. If I try to again connect to her, the left turns green, but again reverts to white when I change the focus person to one of the other family members. I tried several times to make the connection go green and stay green. No success. I went back to her page and it shows that I have connected her several times. So the connection is working, but the source linker has a glitch. I tried signing out of familysearch and coming back in. Still the source linker is confused. Any advice on how to resolve? Hopefully it is a known issues and familysearch is working on the issue.
Sister Rusty Miller
Best Answer
@Rusty Rail Miller Since you are using the New Source Linker, I would suggest you post your question in the New Source Linker Feedback group.
Same issue with new or old source linker. So answer should be the same for both.
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If you have concerns with the new Source Linker, please visit the group dedicated to this feature. Review the Known Issues and other discussions before posting a new discussion. Thanks.