Newly-attached marriage sources are now setting their source dates incorrectly
This is a recent bug. I only noticed it starting a few days ago. When marriage sources are attached, they're setting the source date to the range covered by the collection rather than the event date. For example:
The event date is 4 Sep 1709; the collection it's from is "Croston. Parish Registers 1684–1727".
I was able to reproduce the problem from scratch with other records from that film.
- Search for Film Number 001517649:
- Find any marriage with a "possible tree match".
- Attach it.
- Go to the Source List and check the date on the source.
This seems like it's only affecting marriage records. I couldn't reproduce with christening or burial records. (I haven't tried any other record types specifically for this bug.)
@RTorchia thank you for letting us know. This has been forwarded to the appropriate group.
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