Are record hints _this_ persistent normally?
I've noticed this several times today: I go to a profile that has no research helps, then to a relative with one or more record hints, and then use my browser's "back" button, the research helps box stays the same as the second profile, instead of updating to the empty state that it should be showing.
(Not my family, so identifying bits removed. Yeah, they're public profiles, and I'm sure there's enough in the screenshots to find them, but still.)
I've noticed before that Research Help updates weirdly: record hints persist until a refresh, while data problems update immediately. This is rather taking that behavior to extremes.
In fact, "Show All" goes to Fred's list of record hints -- while the page header is Cecelia's.
And if I invoke Source Linker with Review & Attach, it happily offers to add Fred's burial to Cecelia's profile.
It's specific to the use of the browser's "back" button: going from hints to no hints using links or person cards updates the hints box. (Win10, Firefox current.)
Normally if you refresh your page this will update, if not exit out of Familysearch and delete your cookies by going to and clicking yes.
Be sure you are on Fred's detail page when you ask for Research Helps to be attached. I tried this several times on Fred's page to attach BillionGraves, Find A Graven & SS Death index and they all worked as they should.
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Is this still happening, Julia?
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@Maile L, yup, still happening.
I've (somewhat non-intentionally) done some more exploration, and the persistence of record hints and the updating of other research helps is consistent across all uses of my browser's "back" button. For example, if I go from Johann's profile, with a research suggestion but no hints, to Susanna's profile, with four record hints but no suggestions, and then go back to Johann using the browser's button, then the Helps box now contains Susanna's top 3 record hints plus Johann's research suggestion, and the parenthetical total says 5.
If I do it the other direction, however -- Susanna with 3 hints showing (of 4) to Johann with one suggestion, then "back" button to Susanna -- it updates the suggestion (to "none") but doesn't add the hints back in, meaning that it claims "no pending helps" for Susanna.
Updating Susanna's page shows that that's a lie; she actually still has those 4 hints.
(I'm not certain that any of the hints are her, so they're staying hints for now.)
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K. I'll send that one up the line. Thanks
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Does it help to refresh your page?
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@Yvonnewedgworth, as I wrote: "Updating Susanna's page shows that that's a lie": yes, update/refresh fixes the display. But the point is, this is a page that I just now changed to. I should not need to load it twice like this in order to be able to believe it.
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You are correct. I will escalate this to the right people.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi This is a browser thing and not something FamilySearch controls. Web browsers provide a back button to return you to the page you came from, in the state the page was in when you were there. That's how it is cached. It won't update the page but only present the page as it was. You have to update the page, as you've found in your testing. Sam 🙂