Lately with changes to FamilyTree, I have repeatedly struggled to find what always used to be there.

My suggestion finally, after going on facebook to inquire and never being satisfied, is that I think the details part that opens to say "vitals" needs to say in the ribbon menu "vitals" instead of details or Details/Vitals?? I was really struggling for several weeks because I am 88 and I automatically used to be able to open details and get what I wanted. As you can see I can't even explain it because it was a habit of years. I wanted/needed to change/edit something under vitals, and I couldn't find that part. Does this make sense at all? When I opened what used to SHOW the vitals, all I was seeing was a chronology, and so I didn't know how to get to the vitals, because that was new. Does that explain it?
Vitals is right at the top of the Person Profile Page, @MWGreen. And any field that can be edited/changed has a pencil icon to open it to make the changes.
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Where the confusion has come in, is that Details used to be the first tab in the menu. Now it is the second. It sounds like you are accidentally clicking on the About tab.
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An additional thought, on the New Details Page the information in the vitals section are listed in two columns (default) rather then one. This can be confusing to some. Also, many are not aware that the details page layout can be changed or perhaps don't know how to use the tools to make changes in the New Details Page to have the vitals section displayed in one column as it was before the New Details Page was implemented. In addition, the word EDIT no longer appears for each entry field and has been replaced by a "pencil" icon.
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Also also... If you (accidentally) collapse the Vitals box on a profile, the system will "helpfully" remember that and show you every Details page with the Vitals box collapsed.
You'll need to uncollapse the box, by clicking the "v"-thingy at the right, to see any of a profile's vital data. (Luckily, the system remembers the uncollapse setting, too, so you'll only need to fix this once. Or only once until the next time you accidentally click in the wrong spot, anyway.)
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Julia, I think you have figured out part of my problem. I tried so many suggested things to make it work. And of course it doesn't always happen, and I am busy thinking hard, so I only am frustrated when it happens.