what to do while indexing and have empty entries
Repeating my query from a couple of days ago (https://community.familysearch.org/en/discussion/comment/542582#Comment_542582):
Where did you look? Where is it that people expect this to be explained, but isn't? Why does this question come up basically daily?
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Because people can, and will, ask questions. If you don't like the fact that people ask this question, don't answer. It costs absolutely nothing to be nice without the extra comments.
Deleting entries is an easy fix. On your toolbar, click on the trash can.
This dialog box will appear. The default setting is "The current entry (Entry X)." You'll select "All blank entries" and click Delete. You'll be ready to submit the batch.
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I'm truly sorry if my question came across to you somehow as "not nice", but I asked it with the best of intentions: the fact that a question comes up daily is an indication that there is a failure in the instructions somewhere. I'm trying to figure out where that gap is.
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It's not a failure. Here's an open secret: People tend to not read instructions prior to starting indexing. They come here when they have a question. I didn't have this resource when I started indexing in 2015. The only thing I had was the feedback of the reviewer. Some reviewers back then did have a bit of a step by step guide, but most put "It needs to be indexed as X."
People oftentimes cannot find something in the Instructions, so they come here as well. Then when they do have an answer, they'll go "it was right there!"
New/new-ish indexers are probably going in with the City Directories project and now have 86 out of 250 entries. This is because there are no Beginner projects and haven't been any since, I believe, the Tennessee Death Records project sometime last year. So what if it's the same question? If it bothers you that much, then walk on past the question. It's not hard.
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As I recall, there was a FamilySearch forum when I first started indexing, but then those forums got shut down (to much collective unhappiness). I just looked it up in my browser's saved passwords, and that was circa 2012-2013. I wonder what happened to all of that collected wisdom.... (Granted, that was long before online indexing, so none of the technical details would be useful now.)
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I agree with Julia and erutherford but the truth of the matter is that there's not much, if any, person-to-person training for indexing --- I too started indexing in Feb 2012 and I value the forum because it answers so many questions. It used to be that we had a set of basic question bullet pointed on the first page of the forum -- and the forum itself gives little instruction on how to use the search feature. One more thing, we need to encourage people to slow down a little instead of creating contests and games that emphasize speed & tech knowledge above reading the instructions and working on accuracy/correctness
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I agree, Mary. I get the need to help, but folks just want to rush into things. I've seen it a lot in my own reviewing. The simple errors folks make, like not indexing the sex or indexing "Mary Also Known As Marj" instead of "Mary Or Marj" are baffling.