What does the series of numbers after a name in the index of a Probate book mean?
I thought maybe they were page numbers, but the book itself did not have page numbers, and ht numbers did not correspond to the page numbers up above where you click.
(I was looking at one of the Probate Books for Monroe Co, Arkansas (1874-1877, maybe?)
Best Answer
Normally they would be page numbers - but in your original post you said they werent.
often they are something like:
will book A page 345
(in the original probate book at the county)
can you provide an example?
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I want to add parents, grand-parents, etc to the wife of my father's brother.
I would like to do the same for their daughter, my cousin.
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you can surely do that.
Have you tried?
what specific questions do you have?
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I go to the "window" showing my uncle and aunt - both deceased.
When I click on my uncle I have quite a few options for editing.
When I click on my aunt my options are limited to the extent that I cannot add her family information.
The same is true of their daughter - living - so I cannot add her family info either.
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Thank you for replying! I think I figured it out. They may be page numbers; I can't remember what book my notes were from, so I can't give you an exact answer... I'll make sure to include an example next time I ask a question, though...
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You're right that I thought they weren't - at least when I checked the entries farther into the book, they didn't match. But since I can't remember what book it was, I've wasted yours and my time... =(
Thanks so much for the help! If I figure out where I got it from, or have another question, I'll be sure to ask!