How can I download a pdf of the full programme of speakers and topics for RootsTech 2024?
The schedule is available at and can be searched and filtered, but there isn't a download pdf option:
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The schedule seems to be provided "one bubble at a time", and appears designed for people using phones with touch screens. At present I can only see ONE "bubble" for a talk about NZ. The pop-up list of speakers is simultaneously "too big" and "too small" to view or to print in a compact, usable format.
I work on a desktop computer, with a 24" screen and it's extremely time consuming, inefficient and frustrating being unable to look at a list resembling a single-spaced printed page - either sorted alphabetically by speaker, by topic, or by day/time of the presentation. I have given this feedback numerous times over previous years, and am disappointed that it has not been recognised as a valid request.
I want to know ALL that is available, before I can apply filters down to specifics - how can I discover a new speaker or a new topic of potential interest I don't already know if i've (inadvertently) filtered them out by choosing speakers or topics i'm already familiar with? I can't see the "big picture" that is the WHOLE event, I don't know how many pieces there are in the whole jigsaw, so I don't know the shape of colour of the pieces I'm looking for, or where to put them.
I have over 45 years professional IT experience (and even longer as a genealogist), and there is LOADS I can (and want to) still learn. I am disappointed that "user-friendliness" seems now to be based on assumptions about the DEVICE people are using rather than what GOALS we want to achieve, regardless of what TOOLS we are using to achieve it.