Attaching sources
Can you fix it so we can add the date and dismiss names from sources at the same time while adding a source. It looks like I have to go back into the person's sources after I add it to put the source in chronological order and dismiss transcribed names of people such as the minister officiating at a marriage, or obituary notice. And I have to add date to every person the source was attached to.
Perhaps I am missing a step already available
Fix the date:
Click +ADD
Enter Year and click on standard date, enter
Source will appear in date order
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Dismiss unfinished attachments:
While you cannot remove names from an indexed source, you can, after carefully attaching all related family names, Dismiss the unfinished attachments notification:
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I'm not sure how it could be structured or presented in Source Linker to allow dismissal of an "unfinished attachments" notice directly from there, but it is an intriguing idea. Perhaps it could be combined with a note-adding capability, where one could put in what (little) identifying information one had found about the extra person. I know I'm not the only one who wishes that dismissing an unfinished attachment notice had a reason box.
Whether Source Linker adds a sort-by date or not depends on the structure/setup of the particular index. Unfortunately, users cannot change the index's setup, nor SourceLinker's resulting choices; if the index lacks a clear record date (by SL's definitions of "clear"), then we need to go to each affected profile and individually add the sort-by date. Yes, this get rather tedious, but no, you haven't missed a step. There's no magic pixel for this in Source Linker.