Parent-Child Relationship "Add Reason" problem
I want to add a reasons to children, for example
child 1 the relationship is implied by a probate record where the alleged child is the administrator
child 2 the relationship is implied by a land record which states that the alleged child is an heir
child 3 the relationship is clearly stated in a record
The problem is that the reason for child 1 is duplicated for each child, and if I delete the reason for child 2, it is also deleted for child 1. This has to be a mistake.
Best Answer
@John K. Macphee
There is a place for "Reason Statements" that are unique for EACH Child.
Within the "Parent-Child" Relationship section.
The "Pencil" Icon on the right-hand-side of a 'Child'.
In fact, you can "Add" the SAME "Reason" in Two (x2) spots:
(1) "Reason This Information Is Correct"; and.or,
(2) "Relationship Notes".
I hope this helps.
In fact the reason statement is not unique for each child and that's my point. I just added the text Testing 1 2 3 to the first child under Reason This Information Is Correct and the same text is now in the Reason This Information Is Correct field for each child. And while I could put my reason in the Relationship Notes that's not where it belongs. And if the Reason This Information Is Correct feature isn't working, it should be fixed. Please test this for yourself before you respond. And that goes for anyone else who reads this.