My legacy at Family Search

There are two things about Family Search that depress me as I lie here dying from cancer. The first is that I inadvertently destroyed the county of Denver by suggesting a place name change. Goodbye City and County of Denver.
The second is that when I die, because I had children by my two ex-husbands, my ex-husbands are going to get tacked onto my profile. It doesn't matter to you that they were abusive. It doesn't matter to you that my Auntie Gladys had acid thrown on her by her abusive ex-husband; she had children by him, so she's stuck with his name joined to her forever--a forever mistake.
And as a subset of that, someone will change my name from my "maiden" name--the only name I've ever borne--to that of one of my ex-husbands. Yuck. I wish you had a way for people who are on their way out of the world to make at least their own profiles the way they prefer. But within months, little hands will be manipulating mine to their own satisfaction. How depressing.
Best Answer
First, I am so very sorry for your situation. I pray you are at least physically comfortable it not mentally. How sad I am for you.
Next, one thing you could do is write up stories about your life and save them to separate pdf files. Create an album. Upload your pdf files to your newly created album. When in your album, one can get an external link to it and you can use that link to create a web source for your person page and any other person page. No one can delete your album, at least presently, and they do not need an account to see the items in it. Don't bother with uploading the stories to memories and tagging them as that is a lot of work. Give the PDFs file names related to their contents. If you have someone trustworthy, have them follow the persons who have that source attached to make sure the source stays, and revert it if removed.
What do you write in your various PDFs? Whatever information you want to be public about your life. Different PDFs would deal with different things about your life. People do not read long text any more, so keep the PDFs categorized.