How to represent same-named twins?

Looking at the suggested hints for Felis Teodor Cano (K8G6-QWZ), I saw two suggested hints from the same image on the same underlying film.
Looking carefully at that image, there are two christenings for the same name, same parents, same place, each "gemelo" (twin). The only difference is that the first one had a godfather, Alvino Norato, and the second one has a godmother, Juliana Silveria.
If I create a second profile in the Tree, I can add an "other relationship" to each to distinguish them, and of course an Alert Note.
But should I add something else to the name of each to distinguish them, without looking at the profiles' Details? I've seen "twin" appended to names in my parents' PAF files; I guess I could add a suffix of "gemelo" to each of their names; is that a common convention? Any rule against it? I could use suffices of "gemelo 1º" and "gemolo 2º", except that "1º" and "2º" ("primero" and "segundo") are the Spanish equivalents of "Sr." and "Jr." for "Senior" and "Junior". What about "gemelo α" and "gemelo β"?
And when I match them to sources, how do I know which record was indexed from which name? Should I just assume that the earlier entry in the "Indexed Data" pane is the first entry on the page, and add highlights accordingly?
Here is an article with some naming info.
Scroll down. There is a blurb about twins with no given names.
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For the question of which of two identical index entries goes with which identical part of the image, I really don't think it matters.