Searching for temple ordinances on specific ancestral lines
One way I am finding relatives for temple work is by researching my grandmother's cemetery on and putting the information of people there on Many of the people in her cemetery are related to me so I look at "View Tree." I am fortunate in having unknown relatives who have entered information for people back past the Middle Ages, and I am finding people there who have temple work available to be done.
Could there be a way created to search for search specific ancestral lines for specific ordinances, such as baptism and confirmation? I know with "ordinances ready" it searches ancestral lines in general, but could there be a function to enter in a specific ancestor's name to search his or her particular lines going back?
As I mentioned, I am doing this on the pedigree chart under "View Tree," but it is tedious work clicking on a green temple emblem, search for ordinances, and then going onto another green temple emblem. It is easy to get lost as each line is expanded and overlaps others.
If I don't reserve all the ordinance, and the temple emblem remains green. It is easy to get lost or forget which ones I've looked at.
Searching an ever-expanding ancestral line takes quite a while to do, and those people have been waiting a long time for their work to be done. I have found some who have waited more than 1,000 years.
I think this is the next logical, optional step for "Ordinances Ready" that will make family history work even more exciting. I hope this is worth your time and effort to explore. I know I would appreciate it, and I think many members would also really appreciate this.
Mike McLeod