Search images.
When attaching images that have not been indexed, I would like to be able to add an index. I would like the process of indexing to be similar to creating a new person (specifically the person that appears on the left of the source linker for indexed images) or like creating a record page (one of the ones that begins with one example is a separate tag may be available in the URL to show that this record was created by a user and say something like "this record was created by a user, please review the image before attaching the record") and maybe even unattached people in these records can be record hints and show up on searching for indexed records (again with a note to show the record page was created by a user). When the image is finally indexed, the creator of the source will be told to attach the official version of the record.
There's nothing official about indexed records, nor anything unofficial about unindexed ones. Your suggested note about checking the image applies at least doubly to published online indexes, since they are all incomplete and contain many errors.
Your misinterpretation is not really your fault: all of the online genealogy sites present indexes misleadingly. They all treat the finding aid as if it were the data. However, it really is not. It's just machine-parsable, is all, while the image still isn't. (Yes, computers have been making strides lately in converting images into text, but the technology is in its infancy.)
Creating an indexing project involves a complex series of negotiations with record custodians, along with extensive assessment and programming work to set up the data structures that indexers then fill in. FamilySearch has stated that they are not accepting suggestions for indexing projects (
I'm sure the current work in machine learning etc. will eventually lead to new ways of dealing with records; perhaps we'll even get some sort of on-the-fly indexing application. In the meantime, you can transcribe a record in the Notes/Description field of the attached source.
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There have been several announcements, over the years, at RootsTech, that "indexing on-the-fly" was coming. It may yet be coming. As Julia indicated, there are various contractual considerations in addition to programming complexity.