Research logs
Have a general research log that can be attach to our family tree, so we aren't having to write things done. This way we can be able to go from home to a FamilySearch site and be able to sign in and know what we have done and what needs to be worked on. Then we can share with other people.
Karen Dittman
Notes can kind of be a research log, but to be honest, I find FamilySearch not an optimal set up when you are analyzing all the pieces of a brick wall or sorting out other problems. A fantastic addition is the "other relationship" which I have been able to use when I have discovered a connection between 2 people which is as yet, undefined. But all in all, researching a brick wall involves multiple sources of multiple people which are pieces of a puzzle, not a clear picture. If your research log could be something attached to multiple persons, and still be an editable document, that would be just about perfect.
However, I still put most of my speculative people and their speculative sources in my Ancestry tree. Speculation is another thing I'm not sure belongs in the FamilySearch world tree. I've not seen any discussions on it, so I have concluded that it is not really appropriate. I really do like the idea of a research log which can have a stated purpose, such as sorting out 3 cousins of the same name living at the same time, and a current status, such as having found 3 marriage records which establish 3 distinct wives for these cousins.