Unable to edit indexing errors in 1931 Canada Census
A couple times now when researching people I've turned up sources for the 1931 Canada Census and I see spelling errors in some names. When I click the edit to bring up the form, it appears with the new style form for editing however I am seeing the pen symbol greyed out so it is not possible to correct the errors. (I'm not a big fan of the new style layout ... found the old style much easier.) Also I notice that when making edit corrections, the old form had a field for explaining why the correction was made but this new form does not. Not a big deal, just thought that "explanation" might help others.
In this example, the surname should be Rodenhizer. (My maternal relatives.)
A month later, still no change at least on this one - still can't correct it. I haven't had any trouble lately on other indexing corrections I've made.