Zimbabwe, [MQ6P-D6S] The Confirm. name is not a legal given name nor legal surname.
The batch [MQ6P-D6S] South Africa, Zimbabwe, Chinhoyl - Church Records, 1912-2022 requires indexing the given name and the surname. CAUTION. The Confirm. name is a Confirmation name in the Catholic Church. The Confirm. name is chosen by the baptized person which is usually the name of a Saint that they will emulate throughout their life. Therefore, it is not a legal given name nor a legal surname.
Is the "Nomen Xtiantum" or Christian Name the same as the Confirm name? I am never sure what to put as a Surname in these records. Is the Pagan Name the Surname or part of the Given Name? Or do I use the father's surname as the surname for the principal?
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