Unfortunately the FamilySearch account links feature to MyHeritage is not working.

I am trying to import the MyHeritage family tree to the FamilySearch. At the time, it was mentioned that the engineers were working on a solution. Has anyone heard of a solution??
I can pretty much guarantee that 90% of your MyHeritage file is already here. Easily 50% of it probably came from here in the first place.
Keep in mind that FamilySearch's Family Tree is a completely different beast from the individual trees on MyHeritage. FS's tree is a single, collaborative tree. None of us have individual trees here; the intent is to have one and only one profile for every deceased person. This is the main reason that mass imports -- while technically possible -- are thankfully well-hidden on FS. They just lead to mass duplication. It is far better to edit the communal tree one profile at a time, checking for existing profiles at every step.