Minor Bug - Can't leave field empty

I discovered the burial location was wrong and removed it. But, the software will not let me save without a location. I should be able leave it empty and provide an explanation.
Removing just the place should be perfectly fine, as long as that doesn't leave the conclusion completely blank -- that is, if there is a date. If there's no date, and the location is wrong, then you should use the "Delete Burial" option at the bottom of the Edit popup.
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The two exceptions to being allowed to have a completely empty Vital, Event, or Fact field are the Name field and the Death field.
The Name field always has to have something in it so you cannot erase the name completely and save and there is not a delete link.
The Death field does not have a "Delete" link because someone has to be marked either Living or Deceased. So the only way to erase incorrect death information is to remove both the death date and death place and click Save.
For all other fields it is as you have found for the Burial field. You cannot erase both the date and the place and then save the change. You have to use the "Delete ...." link to have the field completely blank.
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If you adjust a pre entry and the space requires you to place a correction - if you do not know the information and wish to leave the space clear. Oblige the system by placing - the wording, ( Unknown).
This will draw the attention to the percipient that pre entry ( showing a comment that the entry was incorrect ) and the field required confirmation.
This is what i would do in this event.
The former remarks by by Gordon Collett does not resolve te issue.