Cannot remove husband from a person
I have researched LH6H-781 (Elizabeth Savage, daughter of the 3rd Earl of Rivers) and it is almost certain that she had no kids. However, in her family search record, she is recorded to have 2 husbands and a whole bunch of kids. There is no option that i can see to edit the relationships. Please advise. Thanks!
Based on the very beginning (bottom) of the profile's change log, it was imported from FS's prior system specifically as the mother of William Jenkins's daughter Joan.
In other words, if your research is correct, then the wife and mother represented in that profile is not in fact the daughter of the earl. There have been nine merges into the profile in the past decade; the conflation is likely to be traceable to one of them.
But going back to your question, you can remove or replace any of Elizabeth's relationships by using the edit (pencil) button next to the appropriate one. For example, to remove William Jenkins as her husband, go to the Family Members section of her profile and click the pencil next to their marriage.
On the resulting popup, use the "Remove or Replace" (trashcan) button below William's name to remove the relationship. However, given that there is a specific marriage date and place, I recommend first researching that marriage, to see who the bride really was; simply detaching William from Lady Rivers is bound to just get undone by the next person who looks at the profile, unless a better candidate for that woman can be identified and attached.