Looking for a photo of Lt Richard Greenhalgh, 1922

Hello I’m not sure if you can help me or not .
My mother has just discovered via her dna and a professional that Lt Richard Greenhalgh born 1922 with parents being John & Lizzie , is her father .
we believe he on,y has one brother John jr .
i have searched and search for a photo of Lt Richard Greenhalgh 1922 to no avail .
regards Linda
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Just throwing in a curveball on a topic that is a personal hobby, the pronunciation of original names that have been changed over time. I beleive that there is sufficient evidence available to support the origin of Greenhalgh as Green Hollow, pronounced greenholler. There is definitely one, possibly more geographical examples of a place that supports this hypothesis, i.e. a fertile area surrounded by higher banks with the name Greenhalgh, and there are many other examples of names with the 'gh' ending being derived from the sound 'uh'.
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Reaney & Wilson: A Dictionary of English Surnames (Oxford University Press, 1997):
Greenhalgh, Greenhalf, Greenhall, Greenall: Richard de Grenhal' 1230 Pipe Rolls (Shropshire); William de Grenol 1246 Assize Rolls Lancashire; Matill' de Grenehalgh, William de Grenolf, de Grenholl' 1332 Subsidy Rolls Lancashire. From Greenhalgh (Lancashire), pronounced Greener. Probably also from Greenhaugh (Northumberland).