Show when "REQUEST PERMISSION" will expire plus explanation
This is a small feature, but helpful to those who are new:
I realize there is a detail explanation shown AFTER selecting "REQUEST PERMISSION" and then AFTER selecting "Learn More". I would be better if a very brief explanation were provided by a mouse over POP-UP, with the option to "Learn More"
ALSO: To the right of the statement "REQUEST PERMISSION" show the date that the 110 year rule will expire, with a "Learn More" link.
And, if the following is correct, include an explanation in "Learn More". The birth year is 1913. As of 21 December 2023, ordinances says "REQUEST PERMISSION". I assume the 110 rule will expire on 1 Jan 2024.
"If the birth is shown only as a year (no month), the 110 rule will expire AFTER 31 December, 110 years from the birth year."