FamilySearch is not "using GEDCOM as a source."
When a contributor - an individual person - uploads a GEDCOM to FamilySearch, the system adds the "GEDCOM" note in the reason statement.
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Take it as a good indicator to look for sources that may have influenced an individual to add said detail to the person file earlier in GEDCOM days. They are out there. Then you can update the reason statement.
(I will be honest, and state that with 2-8-& more sources attached - I find it redundant, and often leave it blank - to add a reason statement when there are all those sources looking right back at you to the right when you click on the vital...)
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Unfortunately, the process is flawed when a contributor uploads that GEDCOM and elects to merge it all into the collaborative tree. The process often results in duplicates AND incorrect merges. I take that note as an ALERT to check the surrounding profiles for accuracy.