Identifying photos from Odessa, Ukraine

I have a lot of family photographs that were taken by professional photographers in Odessa (Ukraine, or likely Russia at the time) probably during the late 19th and early 20th century. I know they are relatives but they are not identified. Much of my family emigrated to the USA but some did not and were killed during the second world war. I am wondering if anyone has suggestions of how to search? There are some studio names but it's mostly in Russian.
There is article on FamilySearch that will tell you some general guidelines.
It generally says
- Determine the type of image you have - from common paper prints to stereographs to historical daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, and tintypes
- Use clothing, accessories, and hairstyles to date the image in the correct decade
- Research photographer's imprints to narrow down when and where the photo was taken
- Compare facial features in multiple photos to confirm identity and family resemblance
- Interview family members to gather more information about the image
- Identify props in the photo to create context for the image
And this blog post has some other suggestions.
And this genealogy helper has some additional ideas.
Good luck and I hope you find out who they are.
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