US—Masters of Vessels Oaths, 1897–1992 [MQX9-VD9]
In this batch there is one Vessel Master listed as the applicant. However further down on the form 2 others are listed as partial owners of the vessel. I would like clarification as to whether the two other owners should have additional entries made for each of them, or if we should just index the applicant. The PI says we should index the most current vessel master but additional owners are not addressed. What are the opinions or further understanding from this group? Thanks in advance for your input.
Best Answer
Index the one filling out the form. If you look at the next image, that person usually is given as the master and will be the one with the master's duties. The others are simply other owners. However, very occasionally on one type of form toward the bottom, a different person will be given as the master. I would index that one. But I've only seen that about twice.