One or more notes in Collaborate?

In person, under collaborate; notes, can you have more than one note?
If so, it does not work. I tried to add a second note and it would not keep it.
If there can only be one note, then please remove the "+ ADD NOTE" when there is already a note, as that would imply I can add another note.
It's possible to leave multiple Notes; only one note can be designated an "Alert Note."
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If you try to add an Alert Note when the person already has one, you'll see an error message like this:
If that happens, you can simply uncheck the Alert Note checkbox and then you should be able to save your note.
If a person already has an Alert Note and you want to add additional information, then instead of adding a new Alert Note, edit the existing one and add your information (probably in a new paragraph) to that note and save it.
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When I add an Alert note I usually title it Alert Note. Then I can put in multiple unrelated issues in the one Alert note that is available and others can later add some other alert type issue. I would not normally un-check someone else's Alert, I would just add to it and maybe change the note title.