Record attachment for second person defaults to wrong person

I attached a name to a record (with no issue), then attempting to attach a second person to that record the app. defaults to the original person that I previously attached. I'm sure there is a different way to do this, but for newbies like me, there should be a better way. More importantly, it should not default to what is obviously the wrong person. This could create an error if someone is less experienced or not paying attention.
See attached example.
I have seen something with a similar net result. the same person is referenced and indexed twice in the record; and now one would like to link both references to the PID in Family Tree.
The answer I discovered is to Change to the (unlinked second entry) on the Left source side. THEN, on the Right - Family Tree side, use the pull down Change menu. Do Not select the person from the suggestions, but rather enter their PID into the Go To box.
This may temporarily show a discombobulated family on the right side of the screen; but it will allow you to link the second source reference to the correct person twice.