Principles to Help People Love Their Ancestors and Family History • FamilySearch
Principles to Help People Love Their Ancestors and Family History • FamilySearch
As family history helpers, we are called to help others discover and unite the great family of earth through temple ordinances and family hi…
Gracias por expresar lo importante que es poder encontrar, tomar y enseñar, los principios que se mencionan como:
Prepararse espiritualmente, conversas con los hermanos e identificar que es lo que ellos desean hacer, me permitirá descubrir como ayudarlos y como lo debo hacer.
Me gusto aprender que se puede solicitar los 5 últimos números del la cedula de miembro, ya que había escuchado que no se debía hacer.
El poder analizar detenidamente el árbol genealógico de la persona que estamos ayudando permitirá cumplir con las metas del hno. (a), y tener una visión más clara de como ayudar a su familia, estás experiencias fortalecerán el testimonio y también el deseo de invitar a otros vivir la hermosa experiencia de encontrar a sus familiares al otro lado del velo, la unión de las familias es el vinculo más sagrado.
con mucha agradecimiento se despide Cecilia Parra
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Thank you for expressing how important it is to be able to find, take and teach, the principles that are mentioned such as:
Preparing spiritually, talking with the brothers and identifying what they want to do, will allow me to discover how to help them and how I should do it.
I was pleased to learn that you can request the last 5 numbers of your membership card, since I had heard that you should not do it.
Being able to carefully analyze the family tree of the person we are helping will allow us to meet the brother's goals. (a), and have a clearer vision of how to help your family, these experiences will strengthen the testimony and also the desire to invite others to live the beautiful experience of finding their relatives on the other side of the veil, the union of families It is the most sacred bond.
With much gratitude, Cecilia Parra says goodbye