"Add" doesn't work in the new index editor

(We really, really need a group dedicated to the new index editor. I figure "Search" is the closest to a relevant category here, but it's highly unsatisfactory.)
I have now tried about six times on three different days to use the "Add" button of the new index editor to create an index entry for a line that was missed. Every time, it looks like I've succeeded....
...until I refresh the page, or come back to it from elsewhere.
That's a not-insignificant amount of work that's getting lost, over and over. (I'm getting fairly practiced at it, so it only takes me about five minutes, if I don't bother with anything besides the names.)
Please fix that button, or gray it out if it's not ready yet, or something!
Why is no one from FamilySearch responding to questions about the new editor? Crazy that this post doesn't have any responses yet
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@mayimagpie These reports are being sent to the team for investigation. I am sorry that I had not indicated that on this discussion yet.
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I appreciate the response, but the issues still persist. I'm tired of racing to delete everything behind the "?" in the url before the page crashes, every single time I need to access a record (which is constant with research). It would be more helpful if you shared any details or information as to what is going on your side. It feels hard to believe that our concerns are being heard when "These reports are being sent to the team for investigation" is literally the only response after MONTHS.
I love FamilySearch and I'm a daily contributor, but these issues are really impeding my use of the site.
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Have we any news on this?
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A question on an email list led me to try again, and "Add" still doesn't work, six months later.
This time, I was trying to add the left-hand record on this page: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9GBS-7VY?view=index. I added the principals's name, set the type to "Death Records", and added his death date, all with highlights. I set him to principal, and was careful to click "Save" at every opportunity. I'm glad that I didn't bother with his parents, though, because it would've been a total waste of time: while the "Indexed Data" panel showed my addition, clicking his name did not yield a detail-page link (the box-and-arrow thingy just after a name), and refreshing the page made it all disappear.
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Another place where I've run into this…
Toluca, Mexico, baptism records, 1899. Entry 299 (split across pp. 90 recto/verso), María Sofía Trindad Nava. I tried to "Add" her, but when I refreshed the page she's missing again.
And entry 302 (split accross pp. 90 verso/91 recto), Marcelino Trinidad Morales. I believe I added him a few weeks ago, and I suspect
was the record I added, but now he's missing from the index again and I get "We're unable to show this record" when I follow that link. I tried adding him again today, and when I refresh the page the newly-added record is gone as well.2 -
I asked months ago whether we were going to get a page where we could track the progress of reported issues like this one (and its associated data corruption gremlin, which also, as far as I can see, remains unresolved).
I gathered at the time that such a tracker was under discussion, but have heard nothing since.
@Ashlee C. is there any news on an issue tracking page? Thanks.
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@MandyShaw1 Thanks for your patience. We are actively working with the engineers on a solution. Hopefully it will be ready soon.
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@Ashlee C. Thanks, that is great news. Being able to track issue status information (plus, hopefully, advice on workarounds and on what to avoid) would make a big difference in my view.