Please what can I do to restore my Family tree?

Please what can I do to restore my Family tree?
I lost my Family Tree....
It was longer and now only few persons 😢
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Dear @Lieden Carvalho Leite, your family is not "missing" but is not viewable to you because someone has merged a member of your family, or has deleted a member of your family, thus removing the relationships that should be showing. If you need help in "restoring" your family to the previous viewing situation, please call 866-406-1830 and selecting the second option given you. Or, you could try to restore them yourself, by going to the circle with the question mark and then to help and learning and selecting family tree as your topic. In the search box type in merging or deleting persons. There will be a number of knowledge articles there. By selecting and reading them, you can locate help on your own.
We know how disappointing it can be to go into FamilySearch and discover your family "missing". We hope that you will avail yourself of one of the options suggested and "recover" your family members.