Will & Probate date
It is always best to share the batch code or the link with your question to get the fastest and best answer. I am guessing you are working on the Victoria Will and Probate Records. You would be correct to enter the most recent date, unless it is a stamped file date based on the field help instructions:
Do not confuse the filing date stamped on the record for the probate date. If there are multiple probate or will years, index the latest date. If no probate dates are listed, index the year that the record was filed in this field.Do not confuse the filing date stamped on the record for the probate date. If there are multiple probate or will years, index the latest date. If no probate dates are listed, index the year that the record was filed in this field.
I think this means they would prefer that we look at the subsequent images before using the stamped filing date. But, if no probate or will date is listed, then index the year that the record was filed.