Access to restricted records
Film 8262203 is available at Affiliate Libraries - which generally have longer hours and are open most days. Have you checked for a nearby Affiliate? Many public libraries are Affiliates.
81622199 is not a valid number. If you meant 8162199, it is also available at Affiliates.
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Unfortunately, there are no affiliate libraries in my country.
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I visit my affiliate nearly every week. Is there something I can find for you?
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Thank you for your help. I don't if it would be feasible. I believe that items I need have more than 100 images. I will have to manually look at each page until I find the records I need.
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I'm happy to try to help, but if you don't want to accept the offer, that's up to you.
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is there anyone willing to do a small search for me from the Family Search Library, there are no affiliate libraries close enough for me to visit where i live. My search is small and i know the film number.
thank you
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What help do you need . I go least once a week