'duplicate' resources
While clearing the many resource hints on my tree I often have 'duplicates' ( same info different URL refs) The two choices offered are Match and Not A Match.
Reasons suggested for Not A Match include 'duplicate record' These records are matches, but I don't want to clutter up my resource files on ancestors.
Is it possible to provide a third option of 'duplicate data' or an equivalent title?
I don't know why the auto-reasons include "duplicate", because the recommendation is to attach every relevant index entry, even if it's for an event that's already documented. This keeps the hinting system from getting confused, and can help prevent (or find) duplication or conflation in the Tree. (If the index entry is already attached to a profile, then users need to take extra steps to attach it to another profile. This may slow down some people who are just blindly following the computer's advice.)