Appears to be a System Glitch with Unmerge Feature
If you go to unmerge to recapture the older changlog, moving the mixture of newly or previously attached sources by different contributors back to the older PID, the site doesn’t carry over all the sources as “attached”.
Example before merge:
When you go to the “Sources” screen after remerging back to the previous (older) PID, the reattached sources show now as “UNFINISHED ATTACHMENTS”. The source linker also shows that the record is not attached. Trying to reconnect the record only creates a duplicate attachment in the sources section.
Screen example after merge:
This 1910 Census showed "UNFINISHED ATTACHMENT" after the merge. This is after attempted to attach it again.
This was strictly an example to just recreate the issue. If I have this unmerged process correct, then there is a glitch. Appreciate any feedback.
I have been periodically running into site scripting issues (the previous was the inability to contact to change deceased to living), now it is parts of the “Unmerge” function are broken. Are there any negatives about adding a tracking source to the Source Box? It then would have the ability to be attached to individual PIDs to go back in and remove it once the issue is fixed. It also would be labeled in such a way to let others potentially know there is a specific site issue.
[Of course, this is assuming that my previous posting about “Appears to be a System Glitch with Unmerge Feature” was not a *user* error. If not, I am still crossing my fingers a moderator will pick this issue up and get it fixed.]
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@branvarn If you want to be sure that a moderator notices your posts, click the Flag button under your post to call a moderator to the thread.
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Thank you for your time and advice. This was helpful!!!
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I have sent this to be reviewed. I will let you know what I hear back.
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Thank You!!!
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@branvarn great job with the screenshots! It makes things soo much easier to those looking to answer questions and correct a problem :)