Give Clear Directions for Beginners Starting Their Family Tree in FamilySearch
The FamilySearch instructions found at are confusing to some beginners.
I am a Church Service Missionary serving in FamilySearch Support. I had a call today from a person who followed the directions to start her tree by adding her parents first. We helped her correct it so that she is now the primary person. Her suggestion is to change the instructions (
“First steps
Starting with your parents, add living and deceased relatives as far back as you can. A quick phone call or text to an older relative might help you fill in some gaps.”
First steps
Starting with yourself, add parents and add living and deceased relatives as far back as you can. A quick phone call or text to an older relative might help you fill in some gaps.
Elder Ronald J Taylor
You can propose updates to knowledge articles yourself. Here are the instructions:
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This website gives hands down the best training on how to begin a family tree on familysearch, in addition it has lessons and handouts on how to begin and use, myheritage etc. It is great for beginners, through advanced. Also has short video lessons family history consultants can use to train others. There is no better "how-to" on the web regarding familysearch.
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